ATLANTA (TNA) – Deviant sexual practices have fun slang names – remember the “Dirty Sanchez”? – so why not deviant phone messages? Now they do, and with equally risqué names like “The One Way Wonder,” “The Pocket Dialer,” and “The Screaming Eagle.”

A wireless technology company has created names for America's top ten most annoying types of voicemails. Thankfully, they didn’t name any of messages “The Donkey Punch,” “The Fish Eye,” or “The Stranger.”

But they sound pretty similar.

According to SpinVox, which specializes in voice-to-text technology, people should avoid leaving the following irritating voicemails:

-- “The Pocket Dialer”: The person that accidentally calls you because the phone is in their pocket or bag and isn't locked, leading to an endless soundtrack of them walking down the street, driving or having a conversation with someone else.

-- “The Screaming Eagle”: a voicemail left in a noisy bar or as a fire truck is passing by.

-- “One Way Wonder”: when the person thinks they are speaking to you when they are actually talking to your voicemail.