Okay...we all already know that whores lie...this is a given....but the rare few PW actually has some type of intellect to offer to us well. So with this in mind....outside of trying to show them where to actually "find" porn jobs..this thread will give them some more advice...as to the.....top adult modeling mistakes and how to AVOID them….

We have already gone over the scumbag manager/agent threads….so if “they” haven’t learned that by now as far is that’s concerned they probably will never ever “get it”.

My first one is…<drum roll>………

Only be listed with ONE manager/agency at a time…..From my reading if your with more then one at a time you confuse the fuck out of EVERYONE…including….people that want to hire you….and maybe perhaps even yourself! It really doesn’t matter what size they are….big, small, new, old or even boutique style. It really doesn’t matter….the other issue is if they cant find you any work or a suitable amount in an adequate and reasonable time period JUMP SHIP…..but remember this as well that you cant do this too much. If you do it will make you look “flakey’…and flakey is a whole other post entirely.