ah, torture's been considered naughty for a few decades but brutality works. did anyone think we don't torture the fuck out of juiced-in priosoners? pretty much every country with a standing army does the same.

when you can take away someone's invioliable rights(like health care) and some of their fingers in exchange for information that saves a major city, you need to go ahead and commit a crime against humanity.

torturing people is down to a science for most countries-the best thing i've ever read is the atlantic's cover story on the state of torture in the westernized world. it's good, i think it came out last winter-spring if anyone wants ideas of what to do should they drive by sportswami in a van full of guys named vladimir or rami.
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits