is now proud to announce its new affiliate program AVKash. With the success and positive reaction of the site since its October re-launch we figured it was now time to begin to expand the potential of her site and her unique persona. is the official site for adult film star Keiko, who's goth look and penchant for fetish all the while being able to pull off almost any look or performance have helped her to gain a rabid fanbase. "Its been a great couple of months and Rob (Longshot, the site's designer) and I sat down and decided it was now time to expand further" says Keiko. is the primary site for AVKash but is also just the first of many sites that will be opening in the coming year that will be under the AVKash banner. itself is also expanding with more content, on top of Keiko's exclusive content will now be featuring content including some of the top AV actresses from Japan. We hope many of you will join us as we continue to grow and expand and provide webmasters more opportunities to make money on our site and our future sites. Signup is at

Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.